One Year Later: Thank You is the Operative Feeling

In February 2020, Steve and I had our last in-person art show at the American Craft Exhibition in Baltimore. Then we went into lockdown, hibernation or isolation call it what you will. We are fortunate to live in a beautiful rural area of Indiana, so we took walks, played with the dogs, and continued to work everyday in the studio. 

But as our pottery storage room filled up and our cash flow thinned out, we considered new ways to reach our customers and sell our work.  I joined an online "boot camp" for artists to create an online store. Just before Thanksgiving, I opened my first e-commerce site, which you are connected to now. We had an excellent online holiday season, and many of you were our first online customers.

In the Spring of 2020, we rehabbed an area in our home located next to the clay studio. I called it my vest pocket gallery. Visitors, all of whom wore masks and practiced social distancing, viewed our gallery, studio, and sometimes the potter at work.

We will open again this Spring.

We thank all of you for your support and your interest in our pottery and the arts. You have an open invitation to visit our home studio and gallery. Stay safe and happy Spring.

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