What's a Whiskey Cup? Here's the story. From its beginning, the design of this small cup evolved naturally out of Steve's previous work (like his stoneware Wrapped Bowls). He refined the cup's wrapped construction and developed textured exterior finishes to contrast with each cup's rich, smooth interior glaze.
When I removed one of the new cups from our kiln at the completion of its first test firing, I enjoyed feeling its weight and texture in my hand. I enjoyed using it to share a toast with Steve after the day's work in the studio. I named it a Whiskey Cup.

When I bring out the Whiskey Cups I'm thinking: let's celebrate something. When I reach for a pair of Whiskey Cups I'm inviting a best friend to stay for a while and have a good conversation. I enjoy using these cups because I like telling and hearing stories.

Recently, a customer called us, out of the blue, to order Whiskey Cups. She has a set of her own, acquired several years ago, and thought the cups would make the perfect birthday gift for her son. Her order reminded us that we haven't made these jaunty little guys in some time now. We want to change that! See the Whiskey Cup Collection.